
The videos:

Jump to Nocturnes triptych
Jump to   The Last Waltz triptych
Jump to  We Float triptych
Jump to  Satellites 


10 years of filming in De Meelfabriek Leiden!
Videotriptych ‘Nocturnes’ in former Boiler house

23 & 24 september 2023
Reservations required. More info later or register with me in advance.

In the former Ketelhuis (Boiler house) of De Meelfabriek, I will show the video triptych Nocturnes, part of the 17-piece series Homo Bulla.

Video still Nocturnes II from series Homo Bulla by Inge Reisberman

During Kunstroute Leiden, more than 150 professional artists open their studios to the public. On Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September 2023, the route starts at Museum De Lakenhal. All participants can now be found at lakenhal.nl/kunstroute.

Earlier this year, Museum De Lakenhal showed the video triptych The Last Waltz, also from Homo Bulla, simultaneously with the exhibition Bailly – Time, death and vanity.


About her videowork:
Her work covers the fields of video and video installations, ranged in the ‘slow cinema’ area. In longshots she uses substances like flour, salt and water, mostly in an industrial environment. She usually works in series, taking time to connect the substances to the narratives she wants to reveal. Her videos are about perception of time and space and are often based on biblical themes.


The Last Waltz | Homo Bulla
Museum De Lakenhal
10. March till 2. July 2023

The Last Waltz, a videotriptych by Inge Reisberman, screened in Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden (NL)

Homo Bulla Est : man is a bubble. A person may look very solid and substantial, but our life is as floating as a bubble, insubstantial and very fragile. (Erasmus)



Luuk Heezen (onder andere bekend van de podcast Kunst is Lang) vraagt Koen Hauser, Bram Kortekaas en Inge Reisberman het hemd van het lijf over hoe zij zich verhouden tot de thema’s tijd, dood en ijdelheid, en hoe het werk van David Bailly hen (al dan niet) inspireerde in hun eigen creatieve maakproces.

Lakenhal Laat: friday 14. april 2023, 7 to 10 PM
Program & tickets

Lakenhal Laat met Luuk Heezen en Inge Reisberman

Homo Bulla in art

The Homo Bulla theme in art has existed for centuries. On seventeenth-century vanitas paintings and engravings by Jan Steen, Barent Fabritius, and Hendrik Goltzius children blow soap bubbles or they fill pig’s bladders with air. You may think it is innocent child amusement, the opposite is true. This is a warning about the fleeting nature of life. Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden owns a vanitas painting by David Bailly from 1651 called Vanitasstilleven met zelfportret. Here, too, the soap bubbles point to the shortness of existence before they burst.

David Bailly vanitas painting, collection Museum De Lakenhal
David Bailly, Vanitasstilleven met zelfportret, 1651.
Collection Museum de Lakenhal, Leiden

13 April 2023
In 2021 I thought I had finished the 17-part video series Homo Bulla, which was shot in 2019 and 2020 at the Meelfabriek in Leiden.

But in 2021 I started editing again. Three triptychs emerged, all with a length of 04.28 minutes: The Last Waltz, Nocturnes and We Float. I adjusted the colour grading for each triptych. The Last Waltz in shades of brown, Nocturnes in grey-blue and We Float in black and white. The other eight videos are in Satellites and do not have a synchronous duration or colour grading.

We Float premiered in 2021: Two videos from the triptych in the Vishal in Haarlem during the exhibition Slow Movements and two videos in the art walk Through the looking glass in Leiden. The Last Waltz premiered in Museum De L:akenhal in 2023.

When the editing was completed at the end of 2021, I made a print-on-demand edition of 48 pages. Now the Homo Bulla project is finally finished!

17 October 2020
Soap bubbles could be seen as people. Individuals, groups, or even larger: a crowd of people. During the shoots I wondered how the soap bubbles seem to have their own identity and ‘face’. I was fascinated by this.

Did you know that bubbles often lose their color at the end of their lives, like old people get gray hair? And they like to cluster together in ‘social’ structures. Once they arrive on wet ground, they stay there for a while before breaking. Sometimes alone, sometimes in clusters that collapse together.

A bubble only lives for a short time, just like humans. There is no control. Rather you are floating and drifting passively, driven by draught or wind. You sail along on the air streams, together with your companions and relatives, experiencing your own vulnerability and that of your beloved ones nearby. Knowing it will all come to an end.

All that’s left is to enjoy the beauty of the moment. Here and now, stripped of all chaos, danger and stupidity in the world.