This is the place where ’the magic happens’. From 2013 I’ve been filming here. Series like Natures Mortes (2013-2015), Respice Finem (2017-2018), and now Homo Bulla (2019-2021) were created here.
Unfortunately, everything comes to an end. The dismantling and construction of the Meelfabriek, as part of the redevelopment into a complex of homes, businesses and a hotel, is in full swing. I feel very grateful that I was able to work here until spring 2021.
Video and light Artwalk in Leiden
Through the looking glass
27 December 2021 – 27 February 2022
Light & video art route
Former Watergasfactory, Leiden
Stichting EST art foundation
’Through the looking glass’ is an exhibition by EST art foundation. Until the end of February 2022 you can see more than 10 light and video artworks around the power plant in Leiden, daily from dusk to 11 p.m.
My contribution consists of video We Float III on monitor & We Float I as a projection.
We Float II and III in De Vishal
Slow Movements – De Vishal, Haarlem
10 July – 8 August 2021
Slow Movements was a group show about slow and organic processes of movement such as growth, decay, flow and gravity. My contribution included premiered projections of We Float II and We Float III in the main space.
2021 was all about the final edits. All previous versions were taken in hand. From all the footage 3 triptychs were created, each with a duration of 04.28 minutes: The Last Waltz, We Float and Nocturnes. The Satellites section contains 8 videos with different durations.
The colorgrading was also tackled. The Last Waltz was made in shades of brown, Nocturnes in grey-blue and We Float in black and white.
Homo Bulla in art
The Homo Bulla theme in art has existed for centuries. On seventeenth-century vanitas paintings and engravings by Jan Steen, Barent Fabritius, and Hendrik Goltzius children blow soap bubbles or they fill pig’s bladders with air. You may think it seems innocent child amusement, the opposite is true. This is a warning about the fleeting nature of life. Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden owns a vanitas painting by David Bailly from 1651. Here, too, the soap bubbles point to the shortness of existence before they burst.
January 15, 2020 – filmshoots Passengers
The Passengers series is made in Silo D on the top floor.
November 3, 2019 – filmshoots Nocturnes and The Last Waltz
Soap bubbles professionals Saskia Marges and Jeroen Maatman from Bubblusion came to Leiden. For the series The Last Waltz they created special smoke bubbles. For the series Nocturnes they made a.o. ‘clustered’ shapes.
In The Last Waltz one session was filmed simultaneously from three different points of view. This resulted in three testimonies of one event.
In Nocturnes two films were shot in the former boiler room, one after the other. The other was shot on the fifth floor of the same building.
September 1, 2019 – Audio recordings for We Float V
Four female sound artists have performed sound improvisations for We Float V.
August 4, 2019 – filmshoot We Float V
In a dark space on the 5th floor of Silo A the film recordings were made for We Float V. Based on this footage the four sound artists will improvise on September 1st.
July 31, 2019 – film recordings We Float II, III, IV
It thundered and rained hard. In the warehouse and silo building was huge leakage. We made use of that.